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Imperfect Comb and the Architectural Abilities of Honey Bees with Dr. Michael Smith

Imperfect Comb and the Architectural Abilities of Honey Bees with Dr. Michael Smith


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Imperfect Comb and the Architectural Abilities of Honey Bees

with Dr. Michael Smith

Honey bees are renowned for constructing perfectly hexagonal cells, but this talk will explore how honey bees adapt their building behavior when "perfect" cells are impossible to construct. Using automated image analysis, we explore the building challenges that bees face during natural comb construction, and the methods bees use to solve them.

In preparation for this talk, please watch the following video: "Hexagons are the Bestagons"

Dr. Michael Smith
Dr. Michael Smith

Speaker Details:

Michael Smith, PhD

Assistant Professor, Dept of Biological Sciences Auburn University

Affiliate Member Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior

Michael Smith is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn University, and an Affiliate Member of the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior. He conducted his PhD research at Cornell University (Seeley Lab), and postdoctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior/University of Konstanz (Couzin Lab). The Smith Bee Lab focuses on the social physiology of honey bee colonies, exploring how colonies develop, how they are organized, and how they detect and respond to biotic and abiotic changes.


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