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Sleeping On The Job - August Blooms

I don't know about you, but to me, it looks like this honey bee decided to take a little snooze while foraging on chicory. During the onset of the dearth, chicory provides honey bees with much-needed pollen and maybe some nectar. Chicory is not likely to provide a honey flow but it can help sustain your bees as long as they don't take too many naps.

The final bloom of the three sumac species is winged sumac and it comes in early August coinciding with the Perseid Meteor Shower. It's not that abundant in my area but when it blooms it attracts a swarm of honey bees. It's easy to ID because the leaf stems are winged. Of the three, smooth, staghorn, and winged, winged has the smallest bloom and if you use a little imagination the floral shape can remind you of its celestial partner.

This is my Korean Bee Bee Tree, Evodia danielli, that I planted about five years ago. It blooms at the same time as winged sumac and can make your bee's day when there are scant floral sources. The bees start on this tree at sunrise and work it all day until dusk. A bee bee tree will grow anywhere and they have very few pests.

Even this young tree has thousands of these small floral blooms. Plant one of these and your bees will thank you.

And yes, those are power lines in the background actually delivering power.

As always, your comments and photos are welcome.

Enjoy your bees and eat some honey- it's good for you.
