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Four Ways to Harvest Honey Without an Extractor with Linda Tillman

August 24th, 6:30 PM

Four Ways to Harvest Honey Without an Extractor

with Linda Tillman

Harvesting does not require an extractor. The crush and strain method is a lot of fun, easy, and makes prize-winning honey with few/no air bubbles. There are other ways to create honey products without an extractor as well. Linda will cover honey harvests and along the way give you some hints to bottle honey that will win blue ribbons.

Linda Tillman
Linda Tillman

Speaker Details:

Linda Tillman has been keeping bees since Easter, 2006. She became a Master Beekeeper in 2010. She has been a very active person in the beekeeping community. She has served on the board for her local bee club in Atlanta and has just stepped down from serving four years as President of the Georgia Beekeepers Association. She is the Chair of the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers hive inspection program and in the face of COVID, did video hive inspections (14 of them!) all presented to members on Zoom. Linda is a retired clinical psychologist with three daughters and four grandchildren. In her spare time she bakes lots of bread, quilts, and enjoys time with her grandchildren.

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