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Bee Talks Recap | August 2023

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In this episode of Bee Talks:

00:00:00 Bloom Calendar Overview

00:12:20 What should I look for when deciding which comb is too old or needs to be thrown out?

00:19:23 Can I do anything with old comb?

00:23:50 What is happening when my honey separates, and can those components be recombined?

00:26:30 How do bees know when to gather water versus gather nectar?

00:31:47 Why does only one frame of my hive have honey right now?

00:35:56 Do I need to be concerned about plastic foundation accumulating toxins?

00:36:50 When should I treat for mites?

00:37:47 Should I leave one honey super on for winter or remove in late fall?

00:38:15 Does CBA place bulk orders for equipment? Do you recommend certain suppliers?

00:41:43 Should I make my own boxes or purchase them?

00:44:53 If I have black comb, does that mean it has wax moths in it?

00:46:39 Should I use old comb to start my smoker?

00:47:19 Why is some of my old honey still liquid, while some new honey is crystallized?

00:48:16 Is it too late in the season to get a nuc or find a swarm and start a hive?

00:50:45 Is there a reason bees stay specialized - is it a reward network that stimulates specialization?

00:51:16 I just moved 2 nucs into a 10 frame brood box. Can I start feeding them now? Is using a frame feeder safer to protect against robbing?

00:52:48 What is CO2 injection for varroa?

00:57:40 What do you feed during the dearth - 2:1 or 1:1?

00:59:12 Are we experiencing a dearth right now? Is it regional/local?

01:01:21 What are the best smoker materials?

01:04:55 EasyCheck CO2 injector discussion

01:11:28 Is it too late to use Formic Pro? What is your recommended method for application?


Mentioned in this episode:

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About Bee Talks:

Bee Talks are held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Each session includes an open question & answer period followed by a seasonally-appropriate topic discussion to help guide you through the beekeeping year. Open to every beekeeper regardless of experience or the type of equipment you use, these sessions will support your beekeeping practice and help you get the critical information you need to be successful.

Bee Talks are led by Bill Hesbach, Eastern Apicultural Society Certified Master Beekeeper and graduate of the University of Montana's Master Beekeeping Program. He teaches bee biology and beekeeping methods at events hosted by regional organizations, and appears as a guest speaker at national seminars. Bill is on the Board of Directors for the Eastern Apicultural Society, and is President of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association. His articles appear in Bee Culture, Bee Craft, and The American Bee Journal.

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